Class |
Description |
AbstractIndexingDecorator<T,W extends Writable<W>> |
AbstractSigningDecorator<W extends Writable<W>> |
AllowedPropertiesMap |
ApiExceptionHandler |
AppConfig |
AppConfigurationDirectory |
Creates the directory structure /configuration/country/:country and writes the app configuration parameters
into a zip file.
AppConfigurationSigningDecorator |
AppConfigurationStructureProvider |
AppFeature |
Protobuf type app.coronawarn.server.common.protocols.internal.AppFeature
AppFeature.Builder |
Protobuf type app.coronawarn.server.common.protocols.internal.AppFeature
AppFeatureOrBuilder |
AppFeatures |
Protobuf type app.coronawarn.server.common.protocols.internal.AppFeatures
AppFeatures.Builder |
Protobuf type app.coronawarn.server.common.protocols.internal.AppFeatures
AppFeaturesOrBuilder |
AppFeaturesOuterClass |
Application |
The retrieval, assembly and distribution of configuration and diagnosis key data is handled by a chain of ApplicationRunner instances.
Application |
Application |
Service responsible for creating batches of diagnosis keys and uploading them to the Federation Gateway conforming to
the EU specification.
ApplicationConfiguration |
Protobuf type app.coronawarn.server.common.protocols.internal.ApplicationConfiguration
ApplicationConfiguration.Builder |
Protobuf type app.coronawarn.server.common.protocols.internal.ApplicationConfiguration
ApplicationConfigurationOrBuilder |
ApplicationConfigurationPublicationConfig |
Provides the application configuration needed for the mobile client.
ApplicationConfigurationValidator |
ApplicationVersionConfiguration |
Protobuf type app.coronawarn.server.common.protocols.internal.ApplicationVersionConfiguration
ApplicationVersionConfiguration.Builder |
Protobuf type app.coronawarn.server.common.protocols.internal.ApplicationVersionConfiguration
ApplicationVersionConfigurationOrBuilder |
ApplicationVersionConfigurationValidator |
ApplicationVersionInfo |
Protobuf type app.coronawarn.server.common.protocols.internal.ApplicationVersionInfo
ApplicationVersionInfo.Builder |
Protobuf type app.coronawarn.server.common.protocols.internal.ApplicationVersionInfo
ApplicationVersionInfoOrBuilder |
AppVersionConfig |
Archive<W extends Writable<W>> |
A Writable that can contains other Writables and of which the bytes can be requested.
ArchiveDecorator<W extends Writable<W>> |
ArchiveOnDisk |
An Archive that can be written to disk as a ZIP archive.
Assembly |
This runner assembles and writes diagnosis key bundles and the parameter configuration.
AttenuationDuration |
Protobuf type app.coronawarn.server.common.protocols.internal.AttenuationDuration
AttenuationDuration.Builder |
Protobuf type app.coronawarn.server.common.protocols.internal.AttenuationDuration
AttenuationDurationOrBuilder |
AttenuationDurationOuterClass |
AttenuationDurationValidator |
The AttenuationDurationValidator validates the values of an associated AttenuationDuration instance.
BatchCounter |
Batch counter for counting requests for monitoring.
BatchDownloadResponse |
Contains the DiagnosisKeyBatch and batch tag metadata as served by the federation gateway.
BatchSigner |
BatchUploadResponse |
Multi-Status response from Upload.
CheckedConsumer<T,E extends Exception> |
Convert checked exceptions to unchecked exceptions in Consumers.
CheckedFunction<T,R,E extends Exception> |
Convert checked exceptions to unchecked exceptions in Functions.
CloudFeignClientProvider |
ConfigurationValidator |
CountryValidator |
CryptoProvider |
Wrapper component for a private key from the application properties.
CryptoProvider |
CwaApiStructureProvider |
Assembles the content underneath the /version path of the CWA API.
DateIndexingDecorator |
DefaultHostnameVerifierProvider |
DemoDiagnosisKeyBundler |
An instance of this class contains a collection of DiagnosisKeys , that will be distributed in
the same hour they have been submitted.
DevelopmentFeignClientProvider |
DiagnosisKey |
A key generated for advertising over a window of time.
DiagnosisKey |
Protobuf type app.coronawarn.server.common.protocols.external.exposurenotification.DiagnosisKey
DiagnosisKey.Builder |
Protobuf type app.coronawarn.server.common.protocols.external.exposurenotification.DiagnosisKey
DiagnosisKeyBatch |
Protobuf type app.coronawarn.server.common.protocols.external.exposurenotification.DiagnosisKeyBatch
DiagnosisKeyBatch.Builder |
Protobuf type app.coronawarn.server.common.protocols.external.exposurenotification.DiagnosisKeyBatch
DiagnosisKeyBatchAssembler |
DiagnosisKeyBatchOrBuilder |
DiagnosisKeyBatchOuterClass |
DiagnosisKeyBuilder |
DiagnosisKeyBundler |
An instance of this class contains a collection of DiagnosisKeys .
DiagnosisKeyLoader |
DiagnosisKeyNormalizer |
Responsible for sanitizing the information within a diagnosis key to fit the national specification.
DiagnosisKeyOrBuilder |
DiagnosisKeyPersistenceLoader |
DiagnosisKeyRepository |
DiagnosisKeysCountryDirectory |
DiagnosisKeysDateDirectory |
DiagnosisKeysDirectory |
A Directory containing the file and directory structure that mirrors the API defined in the OpenAPI
definition /services/distribution/api_v1.json .
DiagnosisKeyService |
DiagnosisKeysHourDirectory |
DiagnosisKeySigningDecorator |
DiagnosisKeysStructureProvider |
Directory<W extends Writable<W>> |
DirectoryDecorator<W extends Writable<W>> |
DirectoryOnDisk |
DistributionServiceConfig |
DistributionServiceConfig.Api |
DistributionServiceConfig.AppVersions |
DistributionServiceConfig.ObjectStore |
DistributionServiceConfig.Paths |
DistributionServiceConfig.Signature |
DistributionServiceConfig.TekExport |
DistributionServiceConfig.TestData |
DistributionServiceConfigValidator |
Validate the values of the DistributionServiceConfig.
Download |
This runner retrieves diagnosis key batches.
DownloadServiceConfig |
DownloadServiceConfig.Validation |
DownloadServiceConfigValidator |
Validate the values of the DownloadServiceConfig.
ExpirationPolicy |
Refers to the time that needs to pass after a key's rolling period has passed,
such that the key can be considered completely expired.
ExposureConfigurationValidator |
The Exposure Configuration Validator checks the values of a given RiskScoreParameters instance.
FailedObjectStoreOperationsCounter |
Maintains the count and maximum number of failed object store operations in a thread-safe manner.
FakeDelayManager |
FakeDelayManager instances manage the response delay in the processing of fake (or "dummy") requests.
FakeRequestController |
FederationBatchInfo |
Information about federation batches with their status.
FederationBatchInfoRepository |
FederationBatchInfoService |
FederationBatchProcessor |
Responsible for downloading and storing batch information from the federation gateway.
FederationBatchStatus |
FederationFeignHttpClientProvider |
Creates a dedicated http client used by Feign when performing http calls to the Federation Gateway Service.
FederationGatewayClient |
Declarative web service client for the Federation Gateway API.
FederationGatewayConfig |
FederationGatewayConfig.Ssl |
FederationGatewayDownloadService |
Responsible for downloading and storing batch information from the federation gateway.
FederationGatewayException |
FederationGatewayHttpMessageConverter |
Converter for converting federation gateway HTTP responses into DiagnosisKeyBatch objects.
FederationKeyNormalizer |
This class is used to derive transmission risk level using the days since onset of symptoms.
FederationUploadClient |
FederationUploadKey |
This entity is mapped to a table which serves as data source for the
uploading of diagnosis keys to the Federation Gateway Service.
FederationUploadKeyRepository |
FederationUploadKeyService |
FeignClientProvider |
File<W extends Writable<W>> |
FileOnDisk |
A File that can be written to disk.
FileOnDiskWithChecksum |
Formatter<T> |
A Function<T, Object> .
HostnameVerifierProvider |
HourIndexingDecorator |
ImmutableStack<T> |
IncludeConstruct |
This extension to SnakeYaml allows to merge yaml files, e.g.:
IncludeResolveFailedException |
This exception is raised in case SnakeYaml was not able to map the content of the include to the target data type.
IndexDirectory<T,W extends Writable<W>> |
A "meta directory " that maps its on-disk subdirectories to some list of elements.
IndexDirectoryDecorator<T,W extends Writable<W>> |
IndexDirectoryOnDisk<T> |
IndexFunction<T> |
A Function<Stack<Object>, List<T>> .
IndexingDecorator<T,W extends Writable<W>> |
IndexingDecoratorOnDisk<T> |
InvalidDiagnosisKeyException |
Exception thrown to indicate an invalid parameter of a
DiagnosisKey ,
meaning a field of a
is semantically erroneous.
IO |
A class containing helper functions for general purpose file IO.
KeySharingPoliciesChecker |
Responsible for verifying that all policies enforced by DPP regulations (or stakeholders) are
met prior to sharing diagnosis keys with other external systems.
LocalFile |
Represents a file, which is subject for publishing to S3.
LocalGenericFile |
LocalIndexFile |
Represents a file of a specific category: Index files.
NoMessageBuilderOnClassException |
Indicates, that the target property for a Yaml IncludeConstruct is not a valid Protobuf Message, because they
should contain a Message Builder.
NoopHostnameVerifierProvider |
NormalizableFields |
This data structure is just a container for all fields of a
DiagnosisKey to which normalization can be applied.
ObjectStoreAccess |
Grants access to the S3 compatible object storage hosted by Telekom in Germany, enabling
basic functionality for working with files.
ObjectStoreClient |
Simple Storage Service (aka S3) client to perform bucket and object operations.
ObjectStoreClient.HeaderKey |
Provides the supported header keys.
ObjectStoreOperationFailedException |
ObjectStorePublishingConfig |
OutputDirectoryProvider |
Creates and clears a Directory on disk, which is defined by the application properties.
ParameterSpec |
Definition of the spec according to Apple/Google:
PayloadFactory |
ProdDiagnosisKeyBundler |
An instance of this class contains a collection of DiagnosisKeys , that will be distributed while
respecting expiry policy (keys must be expired for a configurable amount of time before distribution) and shifting
policy (there must be at least a configurable number of keys in a distribution).
ProdFederationUploadClient |
PublishedFileSet |
Provides an overview about which files are currently available on S3.
PublishFileSet |
A set of files, which are subject for publishing to S3.
ReportType |
Protobuf enum app.coronawarn.server.common.protocols.external.exposurenotification.ReportType
RetentionPolicy |
This runner removes any diagnosis keys from the database that were submitted before a configured threshold of days.
RetentionPolicy |
This runner removes any batch information from the database that were submitted before a configured threshold of
RiskLevel |
Protobuf enum app.coronawarn.server.common.protocols.internal.RiskLevel
RiskLevelOuterClass |
RiskScoreClass |
Protobuf type app.coronawarn.server.common.protocols.internal.RiskScoreClass
RiskScoreClass.Builder |
Protobuf type app.coronawarn.server.common.protocols.internal.RiskScoreClass
RiskScoreClassification |
Protobuf type app.coronawarn.server.common.protocols.internal.RiskScoreClassification
RiskScoreClassification.Builder |
Protobuf type app.coronawarn.server.common.protocols.internal.RiskScoreClassification
RiskScoreClassificationOrBuilder |
RiskScoreClassificationOuterClass |
RiskScoreClassificationValidator |
RiskScoreClassOrBuilder |
RiskScoreParameters |
Protobuf type app.coronawarn.server.common.protocols.internal.RiskScoreParameters
RiskScoreParameters.AttenuationRiskParameters |
Protobuf type app.coronawarn.server.common.protocols.internal.RiskScoreParameters.AttenuationRiskParameters
RiskScoreParameters.AttenuationRiskParameters.Builder |
Protobuf type app.coronawarn.server.common.protocols.internal.RiskScoreParameters.AttenuationRiskParameters
RiskScoreParameters.AttenuationRiskParametersOrBuilder |
RiskScoreParameters.Builder |
Protobuf type app.coronawarn.server.common.protocols.internal.RiskScoreParameters
RiskScoreParameters.DaysSinceLastExposureRiskParameters |
Protobuf type app.coronawarn.server.common.protocols.internal.RiskScoreParameters.DaysSinceLastExposureRiskParameters
RiskScoreParameters.DaysSinceLastExposureRiskParameters.Builder |
Protobuf type app.coronawarn.server.common.protocols.internal.RiskScoreParameters.DaysSinceLastExposureRiskParameters
RiskScoreParameters.DaysSinceLastExposureRiskParametersOrBuilder |
RiskScoreParameters.DurationRiskParameters |
Protobuf type app.coronawarn.server.common.protocols.internal.RiskScoreParameters.DurationRiskParameters
RiskScoreParameters.DurationRiskParameters.Builder |
Protobuf type app.coronawarn.server.common.protocols.internal.RiskScoreParameters.DurationRiskParameters
RiskScoreParameters.DurationRiskParametersOrBuilder |
RiskScoreParameters.TransmissionRiskParameters |
Protobuf type app.coronawarn.server.common.protocols.internal.RiskScoreParameters.TransmissionRiskParameters
RiskScoreParameters.TransmissionRiskParameters.Builder |
Protobuf type app.coronawarn.server.common.protocols.internal.RiskScoreParameters.TransmissionRiskParameters
RiskScoreParameters.TransmissionRiskParametersOrBuilder |
RiskScoreParametersOrBuilder |
RiskScoreParametersOuterClass |
RiskScoreValidator |
Validates a risk score value according to Exposure Notification API by Google/Apple.
S3ClientWrapper |
S3Distribution |
This runner will sync the base working directory to the S3.
S3Object |
Represents an object as discovered on S3.
S3Publisher |
Publishes a folder on the disk to S3 while keeping the folder and file structure. Moreover, does the following:
Publishes index files on a different route, removing the trailing "/index" part.
Adds meta information to the uploaded files, e.g.
S3RetentionPolicy |
Creates an S3RetentionPolicy object, which applies the retention policy to the S3 compatible storage.
SecurityConfig |
SemanticVersion |
Protobuf type app.coronawarn.server.common.protocols.internal.SemanticVersion
SemanticVersion.Builder |
Protobuf type app.coronawarn.server.common.protocols.internal.SemanticVersion
SemanticVersionOrBuilder |
ServerApplication |
SignatureInfo |
Protobuf type app.coronawarn.server.common.protocols.external.exposurenotification.SignatureInfo
SignatureInfo.Builder |
Protobuf type app.coronawarn.server.common.protocols.external.exposurenotification.SignatureInfo
SignatureInfoOrBuilder |
SigningDecorator<W extends Writable<W>> |
A decorator that can sign an array of bytes and write the signature into a file.
SigningDecoratorOnDisk |
SubmissionController |
SubmissionKeyNormalizer |
SubmissionMonitor |
Provides functionality for monitoring the diagnosis key submission handling logic.
SubmissionPayload |
Protobuf type app.coronawarn.server.common.protocols.internal.SubmissionPayload
SubmissionPayload.Builder |
Protobuf type app.coronawarn.server.common.protocols.internal.SubmissionPayload
SubmissionPayloadOrBuilder |
SubmissionPayloadOuterClass |
SubmissionPayloadSizeFilter |
SubmissionServiceConfig |
SubmissionServiceConfig.Client |
SubmissionServiceConfig.Client.Ssl |
SubmissionServiceConfig.Payload |
SubmissionServiceConfigValidator |
Validate the values of the SubmissionServiceConfig.
Tan |
A representation of a tan.
TanVerifier |
The TanVerifier performs the verification of submission TANs.
TekFieldDerivations |
Wrapper over properties defined in derivation-maps.yaml.
TEKSignature |
Protobuf type app.coronawarn.server.common.protocols.external.exposurenotification.TEKSignature
TEKSignature.Builder |
Protobuf type app.coronawarn.server.common.protocols.external.exposurenotification.TEKSignature
TEKSignatureList |
Protobuf type app.coronawarn.server.common.protocols.external.exposurenotification.TEKSignatureList
TEKSignatureList.Builder |
Protobuf type app.coronawarn.server.common.protocols.external.exposurenotification.TEKSignatureList
TEKSignatureListOrBuilder |
TEKSignatureOrBuilder |
TemporaryExposureKey |
Protobuf type app.coronawarn.server.common.protocols.external.exposurenotification.TemporaryExposureKey
TemporaryExposureKey.Builder |
Protobuf type app.coronawarn.server.common.protocols.external.exposurenotification.TemporaryExposureKey
TemporaryExposureKeyComparator |
Sorts the keys based on the TEK key data.
TemporaryExposureKeyExport |
Protobuf type app.coronawarn.server.common.protocols.external.exposurenotification.TemporaryExposureKeyExport
TemporaryExposureKeyExport.Builder |
Protobuf type app.coronawarn.server.common.protocols.external.exposurenotification.TemporaryExposureKeyExport
TemporaryExposureKeyExportFile |
TemporaryExposureKeyExportOrBuilder |
TemporaryExposureKeyExportOuterClass |
TemporaryExposureKeyOrBuilder |
TemporaryExposureKeySignatureList |
TestDataGeneration |
Generates random diagnosis keys for the time frame between the last diagnosis key in the database and now and writes
them to the database.
TestDataGeneration |
TestDataUploadRepository |
TestFederationUploadClient |
Thresholds |
Protobuf type app.coronawarn.server.common.protocols.internal.Thresholds
Thresholds.Builder |
Protobuf type app.coronawarn.server.common.protocols.internal.Thresholds
ThresholdsOrBuilder |
TimeUtils |
UnableToLoadFileException |
The file could not be loaded/parsed correctly.
Upload |
UploadPayload |
This class represents an Upload call to the Federation Gateway.
UploadServiceConfig |
UploadServiceConfig.EfgsTransmission |
UploadServiceConfig.Signature |
UploadServiceConfig.TestData |
ValidationError |
ValidationError instances hold information about errors that occurred during app configuration validation.
ValidationError.ErrorType |
ValidationExecutionException |
The validation could not be executed.
ValidationResult |
The result of a validation run for Exposure Configurations.
ValidCountries |
ValidCountriesValidator |
ValidCountry |
ValidCountryValidator |
ValidDiagnosisKeyFilter |
ValidFederationKeyFilter |
Responsible for checking fields of the DiagnosisKey objects contained within batches downloaded from the
ValidRollingStartIntervalNumber |
ValidRollingStartIntervalNumberValidator |
ValidSubmissionPayload |
ValidSubmissionPayload.SubmissionPayloadValidator |
ValidSubmissionTimestamp |
ValidSubmissionTimestampValidator |
VerificationServerClient |
This is a Spring Cloud Feign based HTTP client that allows type-safe HTTP calls and abstract the implementation
VerificationServerClientConfiguration |
VerificationServiceHealthIndicator |
Health indicator exposed in the readiness probe of the application.
WebConfig |
Weights |
Protobuf type app.coronawarn.server.common.protocols.internal.Weights
Weights.Builder |
Protobuf type app.coronawarn.server.common.protocols.internal.Weights
WeightsOrBuilder |
Writable<W extends Writable<W>> |
Something that has a name, a parent and that can be written to somewhere.
WritableFunction<T extends Writable<T>> |
A Function<Stack<Object>, Writable> .
WritableOnDisk |
YamlConstructorForProtoBuf |
This Constructor implementation grants SnakeYaml compliance with the generated proto Java classes.
YamlLoader |
YamlPropertySourceFactory |
Because loading yaml files with @PropertySources is not supported in Spring, we need this custom implementation for
processing the yamls and converting them to injectable properties in the Spring application context.