Uses of Class
Uses of DiagnosisKey in app.coronawarn.server.common.persistence.domain
Subclasses of DiagnosisKey in app.coronawarn.server.common.persistence.domain Modifier and Type Class Description class
This entity is mapped to a table which serves as data source for the uploading of diagnosis keys to the Federation Gateway Service.Methods in app.coronawarn.server.common.persistence.domain that return DiagnosisKey Modifier and Type Method Description DiagnosisKey
DiagnosisKeyBuilder. build()
Methods in app.coronawarn.server.common.persistence.domain that return types with arguments of type DiagnosisKey Modifier and Type Method Description Set<javax.validation.ConstraintViolation<DiagnosisKey>>
DiagnosisKey. validate()
Gets any constraint violations that this key might incorporate.Methods in app.coronawarn.server.common.persistence.domain with parameters of type DiagnosisKey Modifier and Type Method Description static FederationUploadKey
FederationUploadKey. from(DiagnosisKey diagnosisKeySource)
Create a new instance of an upload key by copying the properties of the given source diagnosis key. -
Uses of DiagnosisKey in app.coronawarn.server.common.persistence.service
Methods in app.coronawarn.server.common.persistence.service that return types with arguments of type DiagnosisKey Modifier and Type Method Description List<DiagnosisKey>
DiagnosisKeyService. getDiagnosisKeys()
Returns all valid persisted diagnosis keys, sorted by their submission timestamp.Method parameters in app.coronawarn.server.common.persistence.service with type arguments of type DiagnosisKey Modifier and Type Method Description int
DiagnosisKeyService. saveDiagnosisKeys(Collection<DiagnosisKey> diagnosisKeys)
Persists the specified collection ofDiagnosisKey
instances and returns the number of inserted diagnosis keys. -
Uses of DiagnosisKey in app.coronawarn.server.common.persistence.service.common
Methods in app.coronawarn.server.common.persistence.service.common that return types with arguments of type DiagnosisKey Modifier and Type Method Description List<DiagnosisKey>
ValidDiagnosisKeyFilter. filter(List<DiagnosisKey> diagnosisKeys)
Rerturns a subset of diagnosis keys from the given list which have passed the default entity validation.Methods in app.coronawarn.server.common.persistence.service.common with parameters of type DiagnosisKey Modifier and Type Method Description boolean
KeySharingPoliciesChecker. canShareKeyAtTime(DiagnosisKey key, ExpirationPolicy policy, LocalDateTime timeToShare)
Returns true if the given diagnosis key can be shared at the given time taking into account the expiration policy.LocalDateTime
KeySharingPoliciesChecker. getEarliestTimeForSharingKey(DiagnosisKey diagnosisKey, ExpirationPolicy policy)
Calculates the earliest point in time at which the specifiedDiagnosisKey
can be shared with external systems, while respecting the expiry policy and the submission timestamp.boolean
ValidDiagnosisKeyFilter. isDiagnosisKeyValid(DiagnosisKey diagnosisKey)
Returns true if the given diagnosis key has passed the default entity validation.Method parameters in app.coronawarn.server.common.persistence.service.common with type arguments of type DiagnosisKey Modifier and Type Method Description List<DiagnosisKey>
ValidDiagnosisKeyFilter. filter(List<DiagnosisKey> diagnosisKeys)
Rerturns a subset of diagnosis keys from the given list which have passed the default entity validation. -
Uses of DiagnosisKey in
Fields in with type parameters of type DiagnosisKey Modifier and Type Field Description protected Map<String,Map<LocalDateTime,List<DiagnosisKey>>>
DiagnosisKeyBundler. distributableDiagnosisKeys
A map containing diagnosis keys, grouped by country and mapped by the LocalDateTime on which they may be distributed.protected Map<String,List<DiagnosisKey>>
DiagnosisKeyBundler. groupedDiagnosisKeys
A map containing diagnosis keys, grouped by country code.Methods in that return types with arguments of type DiagnosisKey Modifier and Type Method Description List<DiagnosisKey>
DiagnosisKeyBundler. getAllDiagnosisKeys(String country)
Returns allDiagnosisKeys
contained by thisDiagnosisKeyBundler
DiagnosisKeyBundler. getDiagnosisKeysForDate(LocalDate date, String country)
Returns all diagnosis keys that should be distributed on a specific date for a specific country.List<DiagnosisKey>
DiagnosisKeyBundler. getDiagnosisKeysForHour(LocalDateTime hour, String country)
Returns all diagnosis keys that should be distributed in a specific hour for a specific country.protected Map<String,List<DiagnosisKey>>
DiagnosisKeyBundler. mapDiagnosisKeysPerVisitedCountries(Collection<DiagnosisKey> diagnosisKeys)
Methods in with parameters of type DiagnosisKey Modifier and Type Method Description protected LocalDateTime
DiagnosisKeyBundler. getSubmissionDateTime(DiagnosisKey diagnosisKey)
Returns the submission timestamp of aDiagnosisKey
as aLocalDateTime
.Method parameters in with type arguments of type DiagnosisKey Modifier and Type Method Description protected void
DemoDiagnosisKeyBundler. createDiagnosisKeyDistributionMap(Collection<DiagnosisKey> diagnosisKeys)
Initializes the internaldistributableDiagnosisKeys
map, grouping the diagnosis keys by country and the submission timestamp, thus ignoring the expiry and shifting policies.protected abstract void
DiagnosisKeyBundler. createDiagnosisKeyDistributionMap(Collection<DiagnosisKey> diagnosisKeys)
Initializes the internaldistributableDiagnosisKeys
map, which should contain all diagnosis keys, grouped by the LocalDateTime on which they may be distributed.protected void
ProdDiagnosisKeyBundler. createDiagnosisKeyDistributionMap(Collection<DiagnosisKey> diagnosisKeys)
Initializes the internaldistributableDiagnosisKeys
map, grouping the diagnosis keys based on the country and by the date on which they may be distributed, while respecting the expiry and shifting policies.protected Map<String,List<DiagnosisKey>>
DiagnosisKeyBundler. mapDiagnosisKeysPerVisitedCountries(Collection<DiagnosisKey> diagnosisKeys)
DiagnosisKeyBundler. setDiagnosisKeys(Collection<DiagnosisKey> diagnosisKeys, LocalDateTime distributionTime)
Sets theDiagnosisKeys
contained by thisDiagnosisKeyBundler
and the time at which the distribution runs and callsDiagnosisKeyBundler.createDiagnosisKeyDistributionMap(java.util.Collection<app.coronawarn.server.common.persistence.domain.DiagnosisKey>)
. -
Uses of DiagnosisKey in
Method parameters in with type arguments of type DiagnosisKey Modifier and Type Method Description static TemporaryExposureKeyExportFile
TemporaryExposureKeyExportFile. fromDiagnosisKeys(Collection<DiagnosisKey> diagnosisKeys, String region, long startTimestamp, long endTimestamp, DistributionServiceConfig distributionServiceConfig)
Constructs aTemporaryExposureKeyExportFile