Class LocalIndexFile

  • public class LocalIndexFile
    extends LocalFile
    Represents a file of a specific category: Index files.
    Index files contain information about the available packages on the S3, which makes discovery of those files easier for the consumers. Index files are assembled with the name "index", but should be published on S3 w/o the index part, to make e.g.:
    /diagnosis-keys/date/2020-12-12/index is published to /diagnosis-keys/date/2020-12-12
    • Constructor Detail

      • LocalIndexFile

        public LocalIndexFile​(Path file,
                              Path basePath)
        Constructs a new file, which is treated as an index file.
        file - the file on the disk
        basePath - the base path, from where the file was loaded. This will be used in order to determine the S3 key